How it all started...
Household of Faith Christian Fellowship Church, "The House", began on June 1, 2003, by Bishop Calvin Hooper and his wife Valerie, who in obedience to the call of God (like Abraham) sold their home in Copperas Cove, Texas to move to Round Rock, Texas (a place that God would show them) to begin a ministry in response to the tremendous need for a Bible-teaching church in the Round Rock area.
While in the midst of the move, their faith was greatly tested. Bishop Hooper was laid off from a job during the move while their new home was being constructed in Round Rock. This family of seven found themselves living in an extended stay hotel while they believed God for Bishop Calvin to get another job and enable them to complete the purchase of their new home. For three months they lived there enduring the test. They were faced with losing the home to another buyer, but through prayer and persistent faith, God worked everything out for their good according to Romans 8:28, and they moved into their home in November 2002. They made a promise to use their house to the glory of God, and on June 1, 2003 the Household of Faith was born in the home of Bishop Calvin and Pastor Valerie Hooper along with their five children, Calvin II, Jeremy, Natasha, Daisha and Vincent.
While in the midst of the move, their faith was greatly tested. Bishop Hooper was laid off from a job during the move while their new home was being constructed in Round Rock. This family of seven found themselves living in an extended stay hotel while they believed God for Bishop Calvin to get another job and enable them to complete the purchase of their new home. For three months they lived there enduring the test. They were faced with losing the home to another buyer, but through prayer and persistent faith, God worked everything out for their good according to Romans 8:28, and they moved into their home in November 2002. They made a promise to use their house to the glory of God, and on June 1, 2003 the Household of Faith was born in the home of Bishop Calvin and Pastor Valerie Hooper along with their five children, Calvin II, Jeremy, Natasha, Daisha and Vincent.

Expanding the vision...
The vision God has always had for the Household of Faith reaches much deeper than the local community. The Household of Faith is a praying church that believes in the power of the Holy Spirit at work in the life of the believer and we believe in serving the needs of the community so that Christ is glorified. We desire to be a multicultural, multiethnic ministry where lives are empowered through the uncompromised teaching of the Word of God, the love of God is experienced tangibly, and every member is equipped to live a Christian life and make a difference in the world. After 19 years of faithful ministry in Round Rock, TX, God revealed to Bishop Hooper that the time had come for them to move the ministry to San Antonio, TX. In March 2022, they officially moved to San Antonio, TX. The ministry did not have a physical location yet, but just as they had done during the pandemic, they held online services, until a location was found. After about a two-year search, they finally partnered with the San Antonio Christian School to use a facility on their campus.
Where we are headed...
There are greater things ahead, including a permanent ministry campus location, transitional housing, a private Christian school, and more. There are plans to expand the ministry into other cities, as we are led, by God. Many lives will be impacted as we continue to follow the vision God has given to Bishop Calvin Hooper.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 10:30 am .