Beware That You Do Not Forget God Pt1

Bishop Calvin Hooper

This series will affect the building of relationships within the Kingdom of God. It’s about maximizing and protecting valued relationships. Therefore, it’s a marriage series, it’s a parenting series, it’s a family series, and it’s a commitment series. Our relationship with others sets the barometer for our relationship with God. The church is facing a time of change like never before and churches standing on and anchored to the word of God are beginning to slip under the barrage of worldly philosophies and attitudes. As a result, the life we should be living in Christ is being forfeited for a substitute life because many have stopped short of God's plans. The tragedy is there is a slow, almost unnoticeable erosion of values.

This spirit of forgetfulness comes upon people not because they lack memory, but because they have a lack of meaning and value of past events in their life that they know could not have worked out unless the Lord intervened. 

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